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জাইকার নতুন নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি


Invitation for “Consultant for additional mid-term evaluation on Small and Marginal Sized Farmers Agricultural Productivity Improvement and Diversification Financing Project (SMAP)”

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is an implementing agency of Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA) in Bangladesh since 1974. With our vision “Inclusive and Dynamic Development”, JICA aims to provide effective support to promote development that will result in sustainable socioeconomic growth and poverty reduction.

JICA intends to conduct a mid-term evaluation for the project for “Small and Marginal Sized Farmers Agricultural Productivity Improvement and Diversification Financing Project (SMAP)”. The duty of the consultant will be to assist JICA to complete the additional mid-term evaluation reports through literature review, questionnaire survey, FGD and interview to relevant persons etc. based on JICA’s evaluation guideline. The consultant will be deployed on the basis of individual and capacity:

ConsultantMinimum 15 years’ experience in evaluation related to mentioned projectMaster’s Degree or above in related filed (economics, agriculture economics, Statistics, Social Science or any other relevant area) is preferred.Prior Experience in baseline survey, mid-term survey and working with Micro finance institutions related to financing to farmers and Evaluation of JICA funded projects will be preferred.Fluency in English and Bangla required.Duration on the consultancy services would be approximately 3 months.

JICA invites eligible applicants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Applicants are requested to submit their request as per the instruction of “Request for Quotation with Curriculum Vitae”.
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in JICA. It is expected that the service may commence in March 17, 2019.

Interested applicants are requested to collect the “Request for Quotation” by sending a formal request to the e-mail address by 02:00 pm, 27th February 2019.

The request must be submitted by 5th March, 2019 up to 4:00 pm in JICA Bangladesh Office during office hours (Sunday-Thursday: 8:30-16:30). CV and other documents shall be in a sealed envelope and be clearly marked “Application for the post of consultant (for Mid-Term Impact evaluation on Small and Marginal Sized Farmers Agricultural Productivity Improvement and Diversification Financing Project-SMAP)”. Any application received after the deadline will not be considered for the position and discarded.Only short listed consultant will be contacted.

JICA address
JICA Bangladesh Office, 3rd Floor, Bay’s Galleria, 57 Gulshan Avenue (CWS-A19), Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

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